July 29, 2022
Is it a summer cold or allergies? How can I make it stop?

Even though there’s so much to enjoy during summer from vacations to the beach to outdoor picnics or hikes with friends and family, summer also means flair ups for those suffering from seasonal allergies. However, there are many ways to identify and avoid triggers and allergic reactions, as well as various treatment options so that you can make the most out of your summer!
Is it a summer cold or allergies?
Although summer can trigger allergies specific to the season, it’s important to be able to tell the difference between a summer cold or summer allergies. To be able to tell the difference, you need to know the symptoms of each. Cold symptoms include cough, nasal congestion, body aches, headaches, sneezing, low-graded fever, sore throat, and earaches. Allergy symptoms caused by seasonal allergies or allergic rhinitis include runny nose, chest congestion, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, rash, hives, fatigue, headache, and asthma symptoms.
Can summer allergies make you tired?
Allergies happen year-round due to different environmental allergens being present throughout the different seasons. Be it spring, fall, winter, or summer- allergies can flair up any time of the year. Spring and winter allergies tend to be the most aggressive due to very high pollen counts, triggering pollen allergies from blooming trees and grass pollen. Regardless of the time of year, all seasonal allergies, including summer allergies, can cause fatigue and leave you feeling tired and lethargic.
Can summer allergies cause headache?
Both sinus headaches and migraines can be triggered to allergies as allergies attack the upper respiratory system. As the sinuses begin to swell, they become blocked causing pressure to build. Eventually, the pressure creates pain in your face- cheeks, jaw, and teeth, as well headaches.
How do I get rid of summer allergies?
The good news for allergy sufferers is that there are numerous treatment options available to minimize symptoms and even rid yourself of summer allergies. The first step is to reduce exposure to allergens by staying indoors on dry, windy days that carry pollen, as well as on days with high pollen counts. Another tip is to immediately remove clothing worn outdoors, shower to remove pollen and allergens from skin and hair, and change into fresh, clean clothing to keep pollen from spreading indoors. HEPA air filters are also highly recommended, as they can remove up to 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, and any other airborne particles circulating in your home. As for medical treatments, antihistamines and other allergy medications are a terrific way to keep allergy symptoms at bay when spending time outdoors. For long-term solutions – talk to your allergist. Allergy shots can help keep allergy flair-ups from occurring for a number of years before a follow up treatment is needed.
What are seasonal allergens during hot, Texas summers?
Different states can have different allergens present during summer. For Texas, grass and mold are the most typical allergy triggers. These grasses include Johnson, Bahia, Bermuda, Orchard, Sweet Vernal, Rye, and Timothy.